Camberwell: Trading 'Well of the Britons'

I had a visit to Camberwell, days ago, after a long while. I kept an ear out for its liveliness. The buzz felt the same after at least a year since last visiting. I found its park especially light of people in the autumn calm. I took a good short video shoots as well.

Camberwell, in South London, is a borough of Southwark; not a long shot from the City of Charing Cross. I hear it comes from the ancient word ‘Cambrewelle’ (from the word Cumberwell or Comberwell); meaning Well of the Britons.

Camberwell Green was a former traditional green on which annual ancient fairs were held.  

I’m sharing a short clip, 25 seconds of the sights and sounds of this ancient city, all captured with my phone camera and then uploaded onto the video-sharing section of the GTI Platform. The old meets the new. Behold, the ancient, historic, and commercial town of Camberwell



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